Ko Rose toku mama
Ko Sonny toku papa
Ko Joeseph rawako kahurangi toku tuakana
ko Saphire toku tuahine
Ko Sonny Boy toku teina
Ko Naia,Humarie rawako Rangimarie toku potiki
Ko Capri Honey Hura-Kopa ahau
No Reira tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa.
For my 1st summer learning journey Activity I have went on a site called canva. The task was to make a creative background so I used canva then I put my pepeha on the top of the background. I learnt that I can use canva fluently. If I could change anything about it I would use a different app because canva didn't have maori backgrounds for me to use but besides that I really like this activity its really fun.