Skills I’ve been learning and improving would be the flick where you can flick the hockey ball up past the opponent and recently taught the mid-air trap were you can put your hockey stick up but not to hit the ball or someone's face but to guide the ball down to the ground then continue the play. I have gotten really good at the flick but I’ve still got a long way to go before it is perfect. I need to learn how to keep the ball when moving around in a game because I know that I don’t interact much but I don’t want the ball to go to my head and I get a fat bruise.
Today I helped Jocelyn with the new skills and rules given for Renegade Hockey. I can explain things and give examples in ways she can understand. Our teamwork is really great and we help each other with mistakes we make in practise which is very good for us to get better at the game.
Someone who helped me learn and how I would have to give it up to the Kaiako of the lesson. She gets everyone's attention to talk to us about our reflections or what we will be doing for that period. Also we are peers so she only asks for one person to come learn something new for the game and let the other person independently work on their skills. Honestly it's a very smart way to work when it comes to groups of two because the person that goes and learns comes back to teach while the other student works on their skills.
Our team is starting to become better together. In these past lessons I've come to understand that when it comes to groups you gotta help each other then do it all by yourself. I'm not the type to try to fit in but if it was for the sake of trying to get excellence in this class I'll do my best. Besides that I positively think our team can make it far for the years to come.
Something I really enjoyed was the learning. I really enjoy school a whole lot, I came to realize that in the past 3-4 months. I also enjoy the way the teacher teaches us all and personally you make everything way easier to understand and be more engaged with.